Sunday, 15 November 2015

Card Design Style Guide

When I look at cards, I'm very critical of grammatical errors. I'm quite the pedant, actually. I thought what I'd do is create a tool that could be referred to when designing cards to help people in /r/customhearthstone create cards that comply with Hearthstone's implied style guide. Of course, Blizzard being Blizzard, there are exceptions to many of these, but hopefully this page can help improve the quality of cards we see posted.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Randomness in Hearthstone - Extra Credits FTW

Last time I mentioned that Ram Wrangler was one of my least favourite cards. The reason that I gave at the time is I didn't like the amount of variance in the card. It can summon anything from a 1 mana to a 9 mana card directly onto the battlefield. To me, as a designer this feels not very good, but I couldn't put my finger on exactly why that was until I watched this new Extra Credits video:

Go watch it. I'll wait...

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Design Breakdown - Discover

Hot off the presses from BlizzCon our good friends at Team 5 have a new Hearthstone expansion coming out _this_ Thursday! I'm excited for the design of a bunch of the cards they've released (which have all been revealed), but I thought I'd waste some ink here on the mechanic that they've added with this expansion:


According to the powers that be "each time you play a card with the new Discover key word, you'll get to choose between three random cards that can be used by your class."